Each year we organise a theme week. Join the Activity Group to help out with this year’s edition. We want YOU!

Pax Theme Week 2016: The Fight for Indigenous Rights



Dear Members,

Next in line of Pax annual traditions is Theme Week. This year, Pax et Bellum presents an opportunity to dig deep into tremendously important subject. One week, five events: a wide array of opportunities to learn about conflicts involving indigenous populations around the globe.

Dates: 11 April – 15 April

Details: There is no fee involved or any need for sign-up, just show up on time. In return, we present the following.

☛ Monday. Lecture: 523 years of resistance and defence of the Pachamama

The speaker will give a historical perspective of the Abya Yala indigenous people, their resurgence in the ’90s, and the current situation in relation with the land struggles and womens’ participation in particular.

Time: 16.00 – 18.00
Place: DPCR Hall 1

Lecturer: Carmen Blanco Valer of Quechua roots, was born in Cusco, Peru, the ancient capital of the Inka state. She served twice as president of Latinamerikagrupperna and has a long history of activist work for international indigenous issues, especially with the struggles of indigenous women. Both a feminist and popular educator, she is currently teaching environmental justice in Gästrikland..

☛ Tuesday. Lecture: A Reflection on the Sami

The lecturer will give a historical overview of the development of Sami political issues in Sweden, of how the public perception of them as a minority within the nation state has changed and how a recent cultural and legal revitalisation have taken place. She will examples from the present day situation and also make a comparison with the situation for other indigenous peoples in the world.

Time: 16.00 – 18.00

Place: DPCR Hall 2

Lecturer: Carina Green (b. 1969), PhD. in Cultural Anthropology. Researcher at the Swedish Biodiversity Centre, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and lecturer at the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University.

Her research focuses mainly on Indigenous Peoples and management of natural/cultural heritage, especially in connection to World Heritage areas. Geographically, her research includes Northern Sweden (Sami), Australia (Aboriginal) and Aotearoa/New Zealand (Maori).

In her work she has touched upon themes such as identity politics, power structures, bureaucracy and political ecology. Her dissertation, finished in 2009, is called Managing Laponia – A World Heritage as Arena for Sami Ethno-Politics in Sweden. Here, she analyses the local Sami struggle to gain authority over the management of the World Heritage site Laponia by applying a theoretical framework based on the articulation of indigeneity and the politics of difference.

She is currently studying the environmental discourse on Indigenous Peoples as holders of so called traditional/indigenous knowledge as it is played out in various international knowledge integration processes.

.☛ Wednesday: Movie Screening

More info on ex. which movie will be screened will soon be posted. It will be a good one though, we assure you.

Time: 18.00 – 20.00
Place: DPCR Hall 2

.☛ Thursday. Group discussion: The Indigenous Image in Media – Review and Reflection

Together, we will compile a selection of commercials, advertisements and campaigns that have used the image of indigenous populations. We wonder how this effects the worlds perceptions, understanding and feelings towards these groups. Join this experience and open discussion with Pax et Bellum.

Time: 18.00 – 20.00
Place: DPCR Hall 1

That is all!

/The fabulous Pax Activities Group

The previous year’s theme week took place on the 31st of March – 4th of April and cover the topic of Migration & Conflict. It included different activities for each day of the week: inter alia panel discussion, a formal lecture, a movie night and a workshop. To gain wide-range and first-hand insights, we also invited representatives from academia and other practitioners.